Friday, March 26, 2010

Choir suck~~

Ah~~~~~i regret to promise my mom to join school choir last time. March holiday is actually time to let me rest and play.But then! my choir teacher wants me to go back for choir from Monday to Friday. 1hr..2hr..3hr..4hr..+she let us late for 20mins!! ah~~I WANT TO QUIT CHOIR!(but she confirm won't let me do that~~) so damn Sian..

Saturday, October 24, 2009

oh..Exam over~~

Haha~~~Exam over!! Last friday my maths teacher give out the maths paper, so many ppl in my class get high marks. But then....i overslept~~~haha. so didn't noe my marks..
Just hope that my friends will be at the same class as me.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I'm back....

我回来了,不是那个谁......B.J is back~~back from church camp (E3 Camp) yeah! I like the amazing race! Our group ran like MAD , very tired loh. This year don't have camp fire, sad....

Our group call EHUD~so weird right?! But is meaningful..First day of the camp, i felt so SIAN coz about half of the group member i don't noe leh!!!!!!ah...going cray loh~~~

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

《Twilight》《New Moon》《Eclipse》《Breaking dawn》

Those four are very nice!! About the vampire Edward and the human Bella~~But in the end..Bella become a VAMPIRE too! I love the interesting!! (*^__^*) ……

Friday, May 22, 2009


This year camp is coming soon! The camp is name as E-cube camp, means Encounter and Experiencing the Epiphany.I persuaded my mom for a whole afternoon then she let me go to the camp~~~She don't let me go is because last time i go to the camp then i sick , go to the clinic for morew than 2 time and didn't go school for a few days!!! However, i like the camp it was so fun...
This year all my friends are going to the E-Cube Camp ( Happy ING)

Friday, May 15, 2009

•【EXAM OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!】•

Exam over!! So happy...Oh~~~My Dear Freed♥m!! (Me:oh..hahahaha..(Happy ING..:D)(Ppl:Crazy~~(•~•|||)…)Eh...ignore them~~I think maths was quit hard leh..i scare about this subject,No time to do . However, Sci was quit easy...and of course Normal Chinese was very easy. My chinese teacher told us that our Higher Mother Tongue, 60 marks is full mark but no one get more than 50 marks leh~~T.T

Friday, April 17, 2009


Seventeen-year-old Bella moves to Forks, a small town on Washington state's rugged coast, to live with her father, Charlie, after her mother remarries to a minor league baseball player. She is quickly befriended by many students at her new high school, but she is intrigued by the mysterious and aloof Cullen siblings. Bella sits next toEdward Cullen in biology class on her first day of school; he appears to be disgusted by her, much to Bella's confusion. A few days later, Bella is nearly struck by a van in the school parking lot. Edward inexplicably moves from some feet away and stops the vehicle with his hand. He later refuses to explain this act to Bella and warns her against befriending him.

After much research, Bella eventually discovers that Edward is a vampire, though he only consumes animal blood. The pair fall in love and Edward introduces Bella to his vampire family, Carlisle, Esme, Alice, Jasper, Emmett, and Rosalie. Soon after, three nomadic vampires—James, Victoria, and Laurent—arrive. James, a tracker vampire, is intrigued by Edward's protectiveness over a human and wants to hunt Bella for sport. Edward and his family risk their lives to protect her, but James tracks Bella to Phoenix where she is hiding and lures her into a trap by claiming he is holding her mother hostage. James attacks Bella and bites her wrist, but Edward, along with the other Cullen family members, arrives before he can kill her. James is destroyed, and Edward sucks James's venom from Bella's wrist, preventing her from becoming a vampire. A severely injured Bella is taken to a hospital. Upon returning to Forks, Bella and Edward attend their school prom. While there, Bella expresses her desire to become a vampire, which Edward refuses. The film ends with Victoria secretly watching the pair dancing, plotting revenge for her lover James' murder.